Special Zoom Live Event, Sunday, September 24th at 3 PM ET (New York)/ Noon PT (Los Angeles)/8 PM BST/ 9 PM CET
Topic: Energy and Money: The 12 Archangels Reveal the Truth of How to Live Abundantly!
Time: September 24th at 3 PM ET (New York)/ Noon PT (Los Angeles)/8 PM BST/ 9 PM CET
Zoom Meeting Link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89317930908?pwd=OWdYbTBaVFN2SnlCRktFSnFOWmtCQT09
Webinar Link: 893 1793 0908
Passcode: 558254
Please check your email to receive your login details to the SSE Student Portal.
Special Zoom Live Event, Sunday, September 24 th at 3 PM ET (New York)/ Noon PT (Los Angeles)/8 PM BST/ 9 PM CET
Webinar Details as well as Zoom Links will also be emailed to you.
Please listen to the Angels deepest healing meditation to support living a happier and more abundant life prior to the webinar.
In this short meditation, you will be cleansed of negativity/fear, receive a fill up of undiluted love, and have your sacred, personal space (your energy) restored and protected.
The Angels have given you a meditation (deepest healing treatment) to support the benefits that you will receive by attending the webinar. Please repeat the meditation as often as desired before and after the webinar. Experiencing positive results in all areas of your life is what you need to expect from anything given to you by the 12 Archangels of the Central Sun (Soul of Source)!
This event is for those who have never heard Belinda channel the Angels as well as for those who have listened to her for 30 years!