“The Angels Tell the Story of Job from the Bible”
The School of Spiritual Evolution thanks you for downloading the 12 Archangels’ meditative healing treatment to expand, and raise the vibration, of your intuitive knowing! This healing treatment can be repeated as often as desired.
We welcome you to visit the School of Spiritual Evolution and let your intuition guide you to the best course package for you. Take a look at our roadmap here, https://www.belindawomackschoolofspiritualevolution.com/. New to the 12 Archangels and their incredibly helpful and practical tools? Consider the introductory package that includes a copy of the Angels’ book, “Lessons from the 12 Archangels, Divine Intervention in Daily Life.”
Get Access To "The Angels Tell the Story of Job" Free Gift
The 12 Archangels, and the School of Spiritual Evolution thank you for receiving “The Angels Tell the Story of Job.” Please be sure to watch the video with the intention to feel the healing offered by the Angels.
Download the PDF and grab your journal to answer the Angels’ questions of reflection in the PDF.
Get Access To "The Angels Tell the Story of Job" Free Gift
The 12 Archangels, and the School of Spiritual Evolution thank you for receiving “The Angels Tell the Story of Job.” Please be sure to watch the video with the intention to feel the healing offered by the Angels.Download the PDF and grab your journal to answer the Angels’ questions of reflection in the PDF.